this is me now


mr milo blitter 2

this morning---at 6 stinkin a.m.---on a saturday---i hear milo stirring---did i mention that milo is sleeping in one of those "couch-that-folds-out-into-a-bed-foamy" things in our room?---well he is---so i hear him stirring---then kinda whining---now david and i used to play the game "maybe if i lay here the other one will hear the baby crying and get up" when our kids were little---so maybe david has forgotten the game---but he got up and tried to bring Milo into bed with us---milo said (ready for it?)--"no"----i put my arms out to  him and VOILA! he came to me---i put him under the covers and he was back asleep for another 2 hours.
okay---i know this isnt Milo---but imagine milo's face on this picture---now make it sideways---without the cringing from the flash (so in actuality---the only thing to remember from this picture is the sheets and that there is a cute little boy in it)---and that is what Milo looked like in my bed this morning.

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