this is me now



i've always known my kids would search for their birthparents....henceforth known as "bm",,,that doesnt sound to be known as mb (mother by birth)....that sounds a lot i've said before, 5 of my 6 are i've relied on mb to allow me to be a mom. all of our adoptions were very we didnt know names or identifying information...we had stories that we were told about our kids' beginnings...but thats about it. we set an age of 21 for our kids before they should/could/would start the search...that way, at age 15, they didnt decide they hated us and go off in search of more loving and lenient parents.

Leah has always been very forthcoming that she would like to find her mb. I understand why a child would want this information.....yeah the whole politically correct "i want my medical history"...but i understand more wanting to see someone who you look like or to have an understanding of what happened....and best of say thanks.

Right after she (leah) got home from her mission she started talking about finding her mb...what the heck...her mom....i know, I'M HER MOM, but i try not to get wrapped up in after she got married she started the process. none of us knew how easy or difficult this would be. she contacted LDS social services (the agency we used for her adoption back in 1984....they referred to a private investigator in Arizona that would help her and be the intermediary....i guess each state is different in how you do the search....or each agency is different. the cost was leah & joe delayed while they saved the money.....then, thru the generousity of friends...the money was acquired.....then cannon they took a breath. After christmas 2008, she started the search again....contacted the private eye (are any of you old enough to remember them being called that?) and got the search going....within a couple of weeks...maybe less....she had a city! HER MOM LIVES WITHIN 15 MILES OF HER.
disclaimer: i am not going to give identifying information about her mother....i'll be cryptic....but it wont ruin the story....
her to be referred to as P.....has an elementary age married and lives very close to Leah. the private eye had them both sign documents saying they wanted to be connected...Leah placed a phone call to P at work.....then Leah being leah ( love you leah!)....lost her phone....for 3 weeks....she had a left a couple of messages with P but had not heard we thought maybe P had some people she needed to talk to first or things she needed to put in order....but Leah had reached out and felt good about it.....after the 3 weeks, we replaced Leah's phone when she came to Fort worth to visit (and then go with us to Beaumont for Ben's blessing)....never occurred to us that P couldnt call leah if LEAH DIDNT HAVE A PHONE! in the car to beaumont Leah starts looking at her voice messages and missed calls...THERE WERE TWO FROM P! that poor woman had called leah back....and now hadnt heard from leah for 2 1/2 weeks.....I WOULD HAVE BEEN PSYCHO! so..... I was able to sit next to leah while we drove to Beaumont for Easter as she talked with was nice....leah told her about our family and the things she had done....even thanked her for making the choice to let us raise her. Since then, leah and joe & cannon have met P and are planning to get together with P's family soon.
how do i feel about this? i'm long as i get the emotional reassurance from my kids....and they tell me i'm cuter....i'm okay....these are women we have talked about and admired for 25 years.....women who made it so i could be a mom.....the best label ever. i would love to meet each of them and put my arms around them and express my gratitude....and hope they are happy with the end result of our combined efforts.

thanks P.


Olivia Carter said...

What a great story! Thanks for sharing that with us!

natalie said...

Great story. Laughed at "bm". Labels, smabels. You and your family are fantastic!

Michelle said...

I admire your strength and willingness to let your children fly. You are truly a blessed soul.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

That was such a you story w/ both laughter and tears your children are so like you, their Mom

Princess Mommy said...

You are definitely the most beautiful of all my mothers! :)

Jackie said...

I greatly admire your attitude towards this. If I were in the same position, I don't know how I would react, but I would hope that I would do as you have done. Such a cool thing that they live so close!

VNG said...

Wow! That's awesome! Great story and hope all the best for everyone!

Rondi said...

Meredith, I have known you for years and this story tells of the real you--someone who wanted to love a child so much and would do anything to have a baby in her arms. What a beautiful story, what beautiful lives have come from someone willing to sacrifice and give up their child to be raised by two parents who would love and treasure that child. You and Dave are the best (and your children are right up there with you).