Last night a storm blew through----we lost a transformer---so we are without power---school is closed since most of the schools dont have power---trees are down everywhere, street lights out everywhere....we're gonna get a new roof out of this storm! Ace immediately got on his bike and rode around to see the damage. David got his generator out to hook up the freezer and refrigerator---I came to work....cant see at home to put on make-up. The storms were predicted---but not as bad as this. There were tornadoes somewhere in the dallas/ft worth area---not us tho---just lots of damage from trees falling. Our neighbors party canopy got put in another neighbors backyard---totally shredded. Lyric and I were up til 2 talking---the storm was blowing pretty good then---I was up at 330-4 when the transformer popped. This is the pole after the tree that hit it was cleared away...the transformer pole landed on the power lines---lots of sparks and arcs with this! Ace jumped out of bed to close the windows in lyric's room (her room is a bit damp now---she totally slept thru it). This morning the sidewalks were full of people checking out the situation. Interesting to see all the neighbors walking around looking at the damage and chatting....brings us out of our comfort zones. I love Texas long as we only lose our power for 1 day---we got our power back about 3 a.m. Friday morning---we watched the power guys climbing up and down the poles---at midnight---with only a harnass on---THERE IS NO PAYCHECK HIGH ENOUGH TO MAKE THAT JOB WORTH IT!
We did learn a lot about our emergency preparedness---we have everything we need---now just have to have it more readily available---not trying to track down the batteries/candles/flashlights...etc. We got to try out our generator---used it to keep the freezer and refrigerator going---realized that we could use a bigger one if we wanted to have anything else on it. I also learned I am way too dependent on technology for my information and amusement!
As for me, I am not loving it so much.
Me--I'm "enjoying" the Texas weather from a distance now--and that's one thing I do not miss about Texas.
We just got wind. Drove to Midland today and through areas that got burnt, then the park by the scout office (that I blogged about) now DOES have a pond from the rain/hailstorm. Oh, and our favorite talk radio station is off the air (I assume from the storms) so we didn't get to listen to Dave Ramsey as we drove today. The news has added a "fire danger" forecast to the weather.
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