this is me now


first day of school

....and i'm not there!
what a pull.....i'm here in Orlando with a beautiful grandson and my baby girl....but my baby boy is starting 10th grade! my last one at Bell High School....gulp...and hooray!....and gulp...and hooray!

I love the starting of a new school year...the smell of new locker numbers....loved it for it for my, boys dont share about adventures as easily as girls...but...ace will answer questions....

but i'm not there....does he care? probably more than he is willing to admit....
will he survive? probably...but only for a few more days.

you always need your mom.


Olivia Carter said...

Love back to school too- this is the first time we haven't had someone going to school- weird!

Ashley said...

I always wondered how much it actually bothered Bryce when my mom had to miss his things while she was busy with new babies. There are some benefits and drawbacks to being the baby of the family!

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

Moms should get to be in two places at once. :)