.....you can't say that in your 20', 30', or 40'.....makes you old before your time.....but women MY age:
Aren't expected to do heavy lifting (who do they think does it when you are alone?)
.....it's okay to have wrinkles on my forehead....
....no one is surprised I'm a grandma
....don't get invited anywhere (wow....that sounds like a cry for attention)
....it's okay to not be trendy in clothes....cardigans with cats are totally acceptable (don't have any, but it would be okay)
.....get reminded of the quirks of my youth---and questioned as to why I don't continue (DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOUR EARLOBES STRETCH FROM BIG HEAVY EARRINGS?)
....for the most part are treated politely by men and boys of all ages
....are invisible
.....should wear short hair? Or make a last run at long? You tell me!
46 years ago----hair is still the same texture
back of my head----its even longer now---this was 2 months ago
longish hair---but slumped over---5 years ago
perfect short hair at beth's blessing
normal short hair----really really short hair
2 years ago short hair---i look like a thumb
short after a long day waiting for beth!
recent long hair---football helmetish? it flows pretty---but still looks WAY normal