this is me now


jasmine at 39 weeks

...jas is due in 3 days.....but baby ben is comfortable...and jasmine is too (for 39 weeks)....what a uneventful pregnancy.

ya know---i am fine giving advice about babies and newborns etc...but this whole pregnancy thing....having experienced it once 20 years ago....thank heavens for google! my babies call me for advice....i am googling for the answer!


Michelle said...

Heck...I experienced three preganancies with the last 8 years ago and I can't even remember everything that happens! Good luck, Jasmine (and David)!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

google is our saving grace for lot esp for me and bad memory

Mother of the Wild Boys said...

Good luck Jas!

Anonymous said...

You are the best mom a pregnant daughter could ever have, and the funnest too! I love you. David

Christie said...

On my 3rd pregnancy in 4 years, but I don't know anything about the last few weeks, having never gotten that far!