this is me now


high adventure

David could see the mountains by his mom's house (about 3-4 hours away) from the top of the mountains they were on! very cool.

Ace & David went to Colorado with a group from our stake for a scouting high adventure----mountain biking, white-water rafting and fishing. David went as a support for Ace---they both had a great time. Ace fell out of the raft and gave everyone a scare---they were in the harshest part of the rapids at the time---but two of the men grabbed him and brought him back up..he was pretty banged up but fine....then later, David was floating in the water and got caught up in the water flow---he was in trouble---they sent a boat to get him---so yeah----my boys make it eventful---and before they left i said specifically 'I DONT WANT TO READ ABOUT YOU IN THE CHURCH NEWS'---other than that---they got some beautiful pictures and had a great time.

Ace at Clayton's Lake---my guys like to fish....Dave loves the memories of fishing with his Dad and likes the peace and calm.david's going to have to help me with some of these pictures---but this was at the top of one of the mountains they climbed---technology is everywhere!Snow at the end of June---fun times for a Texas boy!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Looks like your summer has been eventful so far! The high adventure trip sounded fun. I'm sure I'll have Matthew and Eric out there before I know it.